The Next Step

The Next Step

Each Step, tracked across time, equates to hundreds of miles

The progress that comes with the Next Step is shown on the ancient Spanish Pilgrimage, the Camino, with yellow arrows and rock piles. The arrows & rock piles “tell” the walker they are moving toward their destination. …

To Look

To Look

The scenes that come to mind as I’ve engaged in money conversations across two decades are the moments when the “veil lifts in the room.” The air is lighter. The person (or people) feel a vibration, a sensation, a scent of freedom. Sometimes a tear wells up – for both of us. …



For years the observation theory, put forth by the field of quantum physics, has fascinated me. It is mind boggling to contemplate the theory that an electron acts like a particle if observed and a wave with out observation. I admittedly do NOT understand all the science behind the well documented outcome. After reading many, many articles my mind circles around the idea that this could… NO, i will say, this appears & feels deeply true: …

To Walk…

To Walk…

Caminar is one of the spanish words meaning “to walk.”

I have been walking with people in life for decades. I love to walk. To take in the sights, sounds, and ground beneath my feet.

I’ve realized I intentionally set a walking pace in many areas of life. The step-by-step momentum happens whether I am physically “covering terrain” with a walking partner OR “walking” with a client …

A reminder: Nature’s Ebb & Flow

A reminder: Nature’s Ebb & Flow

The words Ebb & Flow remind me of nature.  Nature is dynamic.  Always moving.  Forever changing.   - And so it is with people - And so it is with the tidelands - And so it is with the entrepreneur The past 15 years, I have worked alongside the...



I’ve been thinking about momentum. How does it get created?  What is it?  Does it have anything to do with the guidance of money? These questions emerge from my own wonderings & awe around the power of forward motion toward a vision.  The stream (or trickle) of...

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