The scenes that come to mind as I’ve engaged in money conversations across two decades are the moments when the “veil lifts in the room.”  The air is lighter.  The person (or people) feel a vibration, a sensation, a scent of freedom.  Sometimes a tear wells up – for both of us.  A sense washes over the room that says, “You are an agent, ready to wield your power and insight.  This is your life.” The big gulp of a throat clogged with tension might be present too…but the moment a person looks at their financial picture, they are poised for movement.  I can’t plan these moments.  But,!

As a financial being myself (i.e., one who uses, distributes, dances, stresses, and facilitates the flow of money in the marketplace), I don’t know how to take away the shame.  The weighty cloud overshadows brillance for so many folks who’d like to  Money and morality walk in lock step…and there’s no room for breathing.  Shame and guilt steals from brainstorming.

Yes, it’s true.  I don’t know how to take away the shame, but I do know how to create the space where glimmers of goodness are invited to seep into the financial conversations.  One of my core hopes is that people (men, women, partnered couples, organizations, non-profits, and various businesses) will begin to LOOK.

So, as this year comes to an end and darkness continues to visit the northern hemisphere for winter solstice, I invite you to walk, to ask, and to look into your financial situation – no matter how dark it feels.  I offer a “jump start” – 1.5 hours of money coaching that includes a two page (post-meeting) written assessment.  This assessment is crafted (by me) as an anchor and guideline for your next steps.  It includes suggestions, resonating wonderings, and gifts of praise as I think WITH you about your financial situation.

It’s not easy out there…so I invite you to not be alone.  Let the veil lift, one-inch-at-a-time. I am offering a special promotion through 12.31.2012, check it out HERE under Excela Services!

Grateful to be in this work. Hillary